We are fast, precise and the result of our work is always a clear and flawlessly processed economic image of your company.
Accounting and Tax
Wages and payroll
- experience and professionalism since 1993
- flexible and individual approach, according to the needs of each client
- quality assurance for all accounting, wage, tax and legal services
- with the growth of your business we will automatically adapt to you
- comprehensive and fast service in accounting and tax records, tax processing and payroll processing

Audit reports for special purposes
- audit of financial statements,
- verification of extraordinary and interim financial statements
- auditing reports for special purposes (verification of opening balances in business combinations, verification of selected information for banks and regulatory authorities and for tenders)
- verification of fulfillment of conditions for drawing subsidies

Corporate, companies & Personal Accounting
- complete processing, accounting
- checking, accounting for documents
- and management and tracking of receivables and payables
- keeping property records
- keeping stock records
- processing of financial statements – Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, other reports according to client’s needs
- annual financial statements

Tax records
- complete management of tax records
- keeping a daily income and expenditure mainsheet
- keeping a cash register
- management of fixed assets
- keeping a book of receivables and liabilities
- zprocessing of financial statements
- keeping a record of VAT payers

Tax advice
- tax advice for individuals and self-employer
- tax advice for legal entities and companies
- tax return for value added tax and income of natural and legal persons
- road tax, property tax, tax on the acquisition of immovable property
- postponement of submission of tax return and deferment of payment of income tax
- the compilation of personal income tax receipts from dependent activities and functional benefits
- compiling the withholding tax bill
- representation before the tax office in ordinary matters

complete Payroll and Personnel Agenda
- monthly wage calculation, insurance premiums and income tax advances
- keeping employee records
- monthly payroll of employees
- compilation and processing of reports on NHS (ZP) and (OSSZ) state social funds
- registration sheets of pension insurance
- the annual settlement of advances on income tax on dependent employment
- yearly withholding tax
- preparation of documents for inspection

- accounting and tax outcomes, including communication, can be transmitted in English and Arabic
- translations from Czech to Arabic and Arabic into Czech with official authentication